Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge

Sign up today for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge. All you have to do is stop by the library for your reading log and bookmark application. Here are the details:
  • Read 10 items by January 12th and record them on the reading log to win a prize. There will also be a party to celebrate everyone's accomplishment.

  • Read 10 items AND design a bookmark for a chance to win a trip to Houston for WrestleMania! Stop by for an application today!

Even if WrestleMania is not your thing, don't worry, just sign up for the challenge anyway. We plan on having a lot of fun!

Monday, October 20, 2008

What's Happening @ the Library!

Check out what's going on at the Lovettsville Library this week!

Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.

Monday, October 20, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - Musical Storytime - Ages 0-4. All are welcome for the last two sessions. Sign-up begins October 27 @ 10:00 am for the next 6 week session of this program. Be sure to sign up early because space is limited and fills up fast.

Wednesday, October 22, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.

Thursday, October 23, 7:00 pm - Book Bite @ Nite! Teens bring in your favorite books with bite for a night of chills, thrills, and of course...PIZZA! Registration is required. Click here to sign up.

Saturday, October 25, 2:00 pm - Writer's Workshop - The goal of this workshop is to inspire and guide budding and beginning writers. Panelists will speak of their individual experiences in the writing field and answer questions from the audience about writing, researching, and publishing. Click here to sign up.

Don't Forget...

Pumpkin Contest - Gather the family together and choose your favorite book character for Lovettsville Library’s Book Character Pumpkin Pageant! We invite each family to use their imagination and create a book character for our display from real or foam pumpkins or gourds. See library and website for more details. Entries due by October 27.

WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.

Favorite Books with Bite - Attention All Teens! Stop by the library or visit our blog during the month of October and let us know your favorite Books with Bite! Prizes will be awarded to all who enter.

Be sure to register for these upcoming events! Click on the title to register.

After School Book Break - Tuesday, October 28, 4 pm - Ages 7-11.

Pajama Storytime - Tuesday, October 28, 7 pm - Ages 2-6.

Teen Wii Day - Saturday, November 1, 2 pm - Ages 12-18.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

VRC Book Club gets a response from author!!

On October 2nd, the Virginia Readers' Choice High School Book Club met and discussed Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. It was a great book and the teens loved it. During our discussion we commented on the author's blog, letting her know how we felt about the book and about her future plans. Here is our post and her response! We are so excited that she wrote back to us!! Check out her blog: http://susanbethpfeffer.blogspot.com/

From the book club:

Congrats on being #8! Our book club just read LAWKI and we loved it. We are very excited about book #3. We think you should get book #1 made into a movie. By the way, is Dan coming back? We really liked him and would love to see him in the next one. He should drive up on a motorcycle and surprise her. And thank you for telling us that Lisa's baby was born. We were worried about them. Thank you again for writing this book! It rocks!

From the Lovettsville Library High School Book Club
Jessica (librarian), Lexi, Abigail, Hannah, Samantha

From the author, Susan Beth Pfeffer:

Hello Jessica (librarian), Lexi, Abigail, Hannah and Samantha, aka the Lovettsville Library High School Book Club-

Thanks for your comment. I'm all in favor of someone making a movie out of LAWKI, or d&g, or anything else I've ever written, but I don't think it will ever happen. At least it hasn't yet and my guess is if it were going to, it would have by now.I hear from lots of people who worry about Lisa and the baby, so I know I need to put them in to Book 3. I don't think I'm going to be able to get Dan back though. But I'll give it some thought to see if I can work it out somehow.Thanks again for your comment. I love how LAWKI can inspire one person to write all kinds of nifty murderous ideas, and other people to write about romance!

Thank you Susan Beth Pfeffer for writing back to us so quickly! We can't wait to see what you have for the future!! Check out the sequel, The Dead and the Gone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's Happening @ the Library!

Check out what's going on at the Lovettsville Library this week!

Sunday, October 12 - WrestleMania Reading Challenge begins! Calling all Tweens and Teens! Read 10 books between October 12 and January 12 to win prizes, and if you participate in the bookmark design contest, you'll get a chance to win a trip to Houston, TX for WrestleMania. Recommended for grades 5-12. Click here to register.

Monday, October 13 - Library Closed for Columbus Day.

Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 pm - Pumpkin Contest Begins - Gather the family together and choose your favorite book character for Lovettsville Library’s Book Character Pumpkin Pageant! We invite each family to use their imagination and create a book character for our display from real or foam pumpkins or gourds. See library and website for more details. Entries due by October 27.

Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 pm - Avi Reader's Theater - Professional actors Stokes Tomlin, Tim Jon and Carolyn Christensen will perform an excerpt from Nothing But the Truth by Avi using voice and characterization to bring the story alive. Pick up your free copy of the book today. Recommended for Teens and Adults.

Wednesday, October 15, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months.

Thursday, October 16, 7:00 pm - Avi Book Discussion - Join us at the library for a book discussion of the One Book - One Community novel Nothing But the Truth by Avi. Pick up your free copy today. Recommended for teens and adults.

Saturday, October 18, 2:00 pm - The Woodshedders - Local musicans, the Woodshedders, play an original "Djangoesque Hot Club Jazz Mountain style music, characterized by perty acoustic instruments, singin', twin fiddlin', and stringbustin'."

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Library Closed for Columbus Day

Here is an excerpt from one of our databases, WorldBook Online, as to why we celebrate Columbus day:

Columbus Day honors the first voyage to America by the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Columbus first sailed to America from Spain in 1492. Columbus Day became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1971. It is celebrated on the second Monday in October.

The first Columbus Day celebration was held in 1792, when New York City celebrated the 300th anniversary of the landing. Columbus Day has been celebrated annually in the United States since 1920. Although the land Columbus reached was not named after him, many other places are. For example, the Republic of Colombia in South America and the District of Columbia in the United States both bear his name.

Many Latin American countries celebrate October 12 as the Dia de la Raza (Day of the Race). It honors the Spanish background and culture of the peoples of Latin America.

"Columbus Day." World Book Kids. 2008. [Lovettsville Library.] 6 Oct. 2008 .

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What's Happening @ the Library!

Check out what's going on at the Lovettsville Library this week!

Monday, October 6, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime, ages 2-3. Remember, no food please.

Monday, October 6, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - for registered patrons only. For ages 0-4 years old. Drop-ins welcome if class size is low.

Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 pm - Stitch & Chat - Drop in with your stitching and chat with old and new friends. Refreshments provided. Recommended for Teens and Adults. Click here to register.

Wednesday, October 8, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months.

Saturday, October 11, 11:00 am - Lovettsville during the Civil War - Jim Morgan, a lifelong Civil War enthusiast, re-enactor, and author discusses how the Civil War affected Lovettsville. Round Table session to follow at Talk of the Town.

Saturday, October 11, 2:00 pm - Movie - High School Musical 2

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Pics on Flickr!!

Check out our Flickr page for new photos!!