Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, December 29, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Tuesday, December 30, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11. Join us for a fun discussion and activity of Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Sign up begins December 16th. Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 30, 7:00 pm - Pajama Storytime - Ages 2-7. Join us for a storytime where you can wear your PJs!! No registration required.
Wednesday, December 31, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 31, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 31 - NEW YEAR'S EVE - Library closes at 5 p.m.
Thursday, January 1 - NEW YEAR'S DAY - Library closed all day.
Friday, January 2 - Library closed all day.
Saturday, January 3, 2 p.m. - Teen Wii Day - Join us for pizza and video games! Ages 12-18. Registration required. Click here to sign up.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Check out these upcoming events!!
Tuesday, January 6, 7:00 p.m. - Stitch and Chat - Join us for an evening of chatting and stitching with friends. Registration required. Click here to sign up.
Thursday, January 8, 9:30 pm - Adult Book Club - Join us as we discuss Bee Season by Myla Goldberg.
Thursday, January 8, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11. Join us as we discuss Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. Click here to register.
Thursday, January 8, 7:30 pm - Virginia Readers' Choice High School Book Club - Grades 9-12. Join us as we discuss A Room on Lorelei Street by Mary E. Pearson. Click here to sign up.
Saturday, January 10, 1:00 pm - Legomania - Ages 6-11. Play with your friends to construct and assemble structures. Bring your own lego bricks or use ours. Registration required. Click here to sign up.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Library Closed Christmas Day
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, December 22, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required. Monday,
Wednesday, December 24, 10:00 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time @ Purcellville Sign-up. Call or get online right at 10:00 am to get a spot! Remember it fills up fast!! Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 24, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 24, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Check out these upcoming events!!
Tuesday, December 30, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11. Join us for a fun discussion and activity of Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Sign up begins December 16th. Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 30, 7:00 pm - Pajama Storytime - Ages 2-7. Join us for a storytime where you can wear your PJs!! No registration required.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, December 15, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, December 15, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time - Ages 0-4. Advanced Registration required. Class is currently full. LAST CLASS UNTIL MAY!!
Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 pm - Teen Knitting Group. Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 17, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 17, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 17, 4:00 pm - Holiday Storytime & Craft. Join us @ the library for a storytime of holiday tales perfect for this time of year. Refreshments are provided. Recommended for ages 2-6 with parent or caregiver. Click here to register.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Check out these upcoming events!!
Wednesday, December 24, 10:00 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time @ Purcellville Sign-up. Call or get online right at 10:00 am to get a spot! Remember it fills up fast!! Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 30, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11. Join us for a fun discussion and activity of Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Sign up begins December 16th. Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 30, 7:00 pm - Pajama Storytime - Ages 2-7. Join us for a storytime where you can wear your PJs!! No registration required.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, December 8, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, December 8, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time - Ages 0-4. Advanced Registration required. Class is currently full.
Wednesday, December 10, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 10, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Thursday, December 11, 7:00 pm - Holiday Cardmaking for Teens and Adults. Make some great cards using rubber stamp and scrapbooking techniques. Click here to register.
Saturday, December 13, 2:00 pm - Family Movie - We will be showing the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Not rated, 60 minutes), so bring some comfy cushions or blankets and a snack. No registration required.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Be sure to register for these upcoming events!
Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 pm - Teen Knitting Group. Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 17, 4:00 pm - Holiday Storytime & Craft. Join us @ the library for a storytime of holiday tales perfect for this time of year. Refreshments are provided. Recommended for ages 2-6 with parent or caregiver. Click here to register.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, December 1, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, December 1, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time - Ages 0-4. Advanced Registration required. Class is currently full.
Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 pm - Stitch and Chat - Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 pm - Ages: Teen and Adult - Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 3, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, December 3, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Thursday, December 4, 9:30 am - The Adult Book Club - Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlen.
Thursday, December 4, 3:00 pm - Busy Parent Book Chat - Thursday, December 4, 9:30 am - Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlen. Kids are welcome.
Thursday, December 4, 7:30 pm - Virginia Readers' Choice High School Book Club - Grades 9-12. Join us as we discuss The Last Knight by Hilari Bell. Click here to register.
Saturday, December 5, 2:00 pm - Teen Wii Day - Ages 12-18. Get ready to play some Nintendo Wii while munching on snacks! Click here to register.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Be sure to register for these upcoming events!
Thursday, December 11, 7:00 pm - Holiday Cardmaking for Teens and Adults. Make some great cards using rubber stamp and scrapbooking techniques. Click here to register.
Saturday, December 13, 2:00 pm - Family Movie - We will be showing the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Not rated, 60 minutes), so bring some comfy cushions or blankets and a snack. No registration required.
Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 pm - Teen Knitting Group. Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 17, 4:00 pm - Holiday Storytime & Craft. Join us @ the library for a storytime of holiday tales perfect for this time of year. Refreshments are provided. Recommended for ages 2-6 with parent or caregiver. Click here to register.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

Here is a little tidbit about Thanksgiving from our History Resource Center database, which can be used for any history project for kids or adults. Click here to visit our database page.
A national holiday in the United States since 1863, Thanksgiving has come to play a number of important roles in popular culture. It was customary in Europe to hold days of thanksgiving both for successful harvests and for events such as military victories, deliverance from plagues, and royal births. The date and site of the first Thanksgiving in what is now the United States are still debated, but the most famous in pre-independence times was that held in October, 1621 in the Plymouth Colony. There, European immigrants, "the Pilgrims," and indigenous Wampanoag Indians celebrated the harvest season with feasting that included the dish that would become a traditional part of the day: turkey. Throughout the colonial era, days of thanksgiving were common, especially in New England, but not universal or regular. Although national days of thanksgiving were proclaimed by the Continental Congress in 1777 and by President Washington in 1789, there was no great clamor for an annual festival until the nineteenth century.
Credit for the establishment of Thanksgiving Day as a nation-wide holiday must go to Sarah Josepha Buell Hale, the editor of an influential women's magazine (and author of "Mary Had a Little Lamb") who lobbied legislatures and presidents from 1827 on. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November as a day of "thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens," and since then it has been an annual celebration, though the date has varied. From 1939-1941 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in response to the complaints of businessmen that there was insufficient shopping time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the third Thursday in November. This, however, created conflicts with the dating of the holiday in many states which had their own Thanksgiving legislation, so Congress in 1941 passed a joint resolution decreeing that the observance should fall on the fourth Thursday of November.
"Thanksgiving." St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. 5 vols. St. James Press, 2000. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/HistRC/
Monday, November 24, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, November 24, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, November 24, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time - Ages 0-4. Advanced Registration required. Class is currently full.
Tuesday, November 25, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11. Join us for a book discussion and activity about The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. Click here to register.
Tuesday, November 25, 7:00 pm - Pajama Storytime - Ages 2-6. Join us for an evening storytime and don't forget to wear your PJs!!
Wednesday, November 26, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, November 26, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Wednesday, November 26 - Library Closes at 5 p.m.
Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day - Library Closed
Friday, November 28 - Library Closed
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Be sure to register for these upcoming events! Click on the title to register.
Stitch and Chat - Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 pm - Ages: Teen and Adult - Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Click here to register.
The Adult Book Club - Thursday, December 4, 9:30 am - Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlen.
The Busy Parent Book Chat - Thursday, December 4, 3:00 pm - Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlen.
Virginia Readers' Choice High School Book Club - Thursday, December 4, 7:30 pm - Grades 9-12. Join us as we discuss The Last Knight by Hilari Bell. Click here to register.
Teen Wii Day - Saturday, December 5, 2:00 pm - Ages 12-18. Get ready to play some Nintendo Wii while munching on snacks! Click here to register.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The New County Delivery Truck
Monday, November 10, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, November 10, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, November 10, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme, and Tune Time - Ages 0-4. Advanced Registration required. Class is currently full.
Tuesday, November 11, All Day - Veterens' Day - Library Closed
Wednesday, November 12, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, November 12, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Saturday, November 15, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Harry Potter Movie Marathon - Catch up for the upcoming release of the new Harry Potter movie by coming down to the library and watching the last three movies, including Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Blow us away with your HP knowledge in our trivia game and other related activities. Movies will continue past closing, until 6:00 PM. Bring pillows, blankets, or even bean bag chairs. Refreshments, including lunch, will be provided. Recommended for ages 12-18.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Pajama Storytime - November 25, 7:00 pm - Stop by for an evening storytime at the library for ages 2-6. Be sure to wear your jammies!!
Be sure to register for these upcoming events! Click on the title to register.
Teen Knitting Group - Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 pm. Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Recommended for ages 12-18.
Thanksgiving Storytime & Craft - Wednesday, November 19, 4:00 pm. Registration begins November 5th - A storytime of Thanksgiving tales perfect for this time of year as well as a craft. Refreshments are provided. Recommended for ages 2-6 with parent or caregiver.
Kids’ Book Club: After School Book Break - Tuesday, November 25, 4:00 pm - Ages 7-11. Come by the library for a discussion of an award winning children's book as well as an activity and snack. Click on the title to register.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Tidbits

There have been many amazingly close races for the presidency—the Garfield-Hancock contest in 1880 and the Bush-Gore campaign in 2000, for example—and several landslides—as in the Roosevelt-Landon contest of 1936—as well. Since 1956 election outcomes have swung dramatically, with landslides for Republicans (1956, 1972, 1980, and 1984) and Democrats (1964). There have been numerous oddities and quirks in presidential election outcomes. James Monroe was unopposed for reelection in 1820, whereas in 1824, Andrew Jackson led three challengers in the popular and electoral vote; because he lacked a majority of the latter, though, the election was decided in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he lost.
With the presence of serious third- and fourth-party challengers, such candidates as Abraham Lincoln in 1860, Woodrow Wilson in 1912, Harry Truman in 1948, and Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 have been elected president by less than a majority of the popular vote. Because of the operation of the electoral college, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, and George W. Bush in 2000 were elected president even though they received fewer popular votes than their leading challengers.
For more information, search "presidential elections" in the database, Grolier Multimedia Encyclepedia.
Monday, November 3, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, November 3, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, November 3, 7:00 pm - Artist Reception - Meet Alice Power and view her watercolors on display. Refreshments available.
Tuesday, November 4, All Day - Election Day! Get out there and VOTE!!
Tuesday, November 4, 7:00 pm - Stitch and Chat - Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Registration is required. Click here to sign up.
Wednesday, November 5, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday, November 5, 11:30 am - Preschool Storytime - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Thursday, November 6, 9:30 am - Adult Book Club - Stop by for a book chat about Innocent Man by John Grisham.
Thursday, November 6, 3:00 pm - Book Chat for Busy Parents - Want to come to a book club but don't know what to do with the little ones? Bring them along! Adults will be discussing Innocent Man by John Grisham while the little ones play with the toys provided.
Thursday, November 6, 7:30 pm - Virginia Readers' Choice High School Book Club - Join us for a discussion of Light Years by Tammar Stein. Refreshment provided. Grades 9-12. Registration required. Click here to sign up.
Saturday, November 8, 2:00 pm - Family Movie - Stop by the library with the kids to watch Madagascar, just in time for the release of Madagascar 2 in the theaters! Bring comfy pillows, blankets, and snacks. All ages welcome.
Don't Forget...
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Be sure to register for these upcoming events! Click on the title to register.
Harry Potter Movie Marathon - Saturday, November 15, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Catch up for the upcoming release of the new Harry Potter movie by coming down to the library and watching the last three movies, including Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Blow us away with your HP knowledge in our trivia game and other related activities. Movies will continue past closing, until 6:00 PM. Bring pillows, blankets, or even bean bag chairs. Refreshments, including lunch, will be provided. Recommended for ages 12-18.
Teen Knitting Group - Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 pm. Bring your own stitching project and gather to chat with friends. Recommended for ages 12-18.
Thanksgiving Storytime & Craft - Wednesday, November 19, 4:00 pm. Registration begins November 5th - A storytime of Thanksgiving tales perfect for this time of year as well as a craft. Refreshments are provided. Recommended for ages 2-6 with parent or caregiver.
Halloween Fun @ Lovettsville Library
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge

- Read 10 items by January 12th and record them on the reading log to win a prize. There will also be a party to celebrate everyone's accomplishment.
- Read 10 items AND design a bookmark for a chance to win a trip to Houston for WrestleMania! Stop by for an application today!
Even if WrestleMania is not your thing, don't worry, just sign up for the challenge anyway. We plan on having a lot of fun!
Monday, October 20, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Check out what's going on at the Lovettsville Library this week!
Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime. Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, October 20, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - Musical Storytime - Ages 0-4. All are welcome for the last two sessions. Sign-up begins October 27 @ 10:00 am for the next 6 week session of this program. Be sure to sign up early because space is limited and fills up fast.
Wednesday, October 22, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months. No registration required.
Thursday, October 23, 7:00 pm - Book Bite @ Nite! Teens bring in your favorite books with bite for a night of chills, thrills, and of course...PIZZA! Registration is required. Click here to sign up.
Saturday, October 25, 2:00 pm - Writer's Workshop - The goal of this workshop is to inspire and guide budding and beginning writers. Panelists will speak of their individual experiences in the writing field and answer questions from the audience about writing, researching, and publishing. Click here to sign up.
Don't Forget...
Pumpkin Contest - Gather the family together and choose your favorite book character for Lovettsville Library’s Book Character Pumpkin Pageant! We invite each family to use their imagination and create a book character for our display from real or foam pumpkins or gourds. See library and website for more details. Entries due by October 27.
WrestleMania Reading Challenge - Sign-up for the 2009 WrestleMania Reading Challenge for a chance to win prizes from the WWE as well as a trip to Houston for WrestleMania 25! Teens and Tweens will get a chance to read 10 books and participate in a bookmark challenge. Please stop by your branch for more information. Click here to register.
Favorite Books with Bite - Attention All Teens! Stop by the library or visit our blog during the month of October and let us know your favorite Books with Bite! Prizes will be awarded to all who enter.
Be sure to register for these upcoming events! Click on the title to register.
After School Book Break - Tuesday, October 28, 4 pm - Ages 7-11.
Pajama Storytime - Tuesday, October 28, 7 pm - Ages 2-6.
Teen Wii Day - Saturday, November 1, 2 pm - Ages 12-18.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
VRC Book Club gets a response from author!!
From the book club:
Congrats on being #8! Our book club just read LAWKI and we loved it. We are very excited about book #3. We think you should get book #1 made into a movie. By the way, is Dan coming back? We really liked him and would love to see him in the next one. He should drive up on a motorcycle and surprise her. And thank you for telling us that Lisa's baby was born. We were worried about them. Thank you again for writing this book! It rocks!
From the Lovettsville Library High School Book Club
Jessica (librarian), Lexi, Abigail, Hannah, Samantha
From the author, Susan Beth Pfeffer:
Hello Jessica (librarian), Lexi, Abigail, Hannah and Samantha, aka the Lovettsville Library High School Book Club-
Thanks for your comment. I'm all in favor of someone making a movie out of LAWKI, or d&g, or anything else I've ever written, but I don't think it will ever happen. At least it hasn't yet and my guess is if it were going to, it would have by now.I hear from lots of people who worry about Lisa and the baby, so I know I need to put them in to Book 3. I don't think I'm going to be able to get Dan back though. But I'll give it some thought to see if I can work it out somehow.Thanks again for your comment. I love how LAWKI can inspire one person to write all kinds of nifty murderous ideas, and other people to write about romance!
Thank you Susan Beth Pfeffer for writing back to us so quickly! We can't wait to see what you have for the future!! Check out the sequel, The Dead and the Gone.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Sunday, October 12 - WrestleMania Reading Challenge begins! Calling all Tweens and Teens! Read 10 books between October 12 and January 12 to win prizes, and if you participate in the bookmark design contest, you'll get a chance to win a trip to Houston, TX for WrestleMania. Recommended for grades 5-12. Click here to register.
Monday, October 13 - Library Closed for Columbus Day.
Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 pm - Pumpkin Contest Begins - Gather the family together and choose your favorite book character for Lovettsville Library’s Book Character Pumpkin Pageant! We invite each family to use their imagination and create a book character for our display from real or foam pumpkins or gourds. See library and website for more details. Entries due by October 27.
Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 pm - Avi Reader's Theater - Professional actors Stokes Tomlin, Tim Jon and Carolyn Christensen will perform an excerpt from Nothing But the Truth by Avi using voice and characterization to bring the story alive. Pick up your free copy of the book today. Recommended for Teens and Adults.
Wednesday, October 15, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months.
Thursday, October 16, 7:00 pm - Avi Book Discussion - Join us at the library for a book discussion of the One Book - One Community novel Nothing But the Truth by Avi. Pick up your free copy today. Recommended for teens and adults.
Saturday, October 18, 2:00 pm - The Woodshedders - Local musicans, the Woodshedders, play an original "Djangoesque Hot Club Jazz Mountain style music, characterized by perty acoustic instruments, singin', twin fiddlin', and stringbustin'."
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Library Closed for Columbus Day
Columbus Day honors the first voyage to America by the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Columbus first sailed to America from Spain in 1492. Columbus Day became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1971. It is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
The first Columbus Day celebration was held in 1792, when New York City celebrated the 300th anniversary of the landing. Columbus Day has been celebrated annually in the United States since 1920. Although the land Columbus reached was not named after him, many other places are. For example, the Republic of Colombia in South America and the District of Columbia in the United States both bear his name.
Many Latin American countries celebrate October 12 as the Dia de la Raza (Day of the Race). It honors the Spanish background and culture of the peoples of Latin America.
"Columbus Day." World Book Kids. 2008. [Lovettsville Library.] 6 Oct. 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, October 6, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime, ages 2-3. Remember, no food please.
Monday, October 6, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - for registered patrons only. For ages 0-4 years old. Drop-ins welcome if class size is low.
Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 pm - Stitch & Chat - Drop in with your stitching and chat with old and new friends. Refreshments provided. Recommended for Teens and Adults. Click here to register.
Wednesday, October 8, 10:30 am - Baby and Toddler Storytime - Ages 0-24 months.
Saturday, October 11, 11:00 am - Lovettsville during the Civil War - Jim Morgan, a lifelong Civil War enthusiast, re-enactor, and author discusses how the Civil War affected Lovettsville. Round Table session to follow at Talk of the Town.
Saturday, October 11, 2:00 pm - Movie - High School Musical 2
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
What's Happening @ the Library!
Monday, September 29, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime, ages 2-3. Remember, no food please.
Monday, September 29, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - for registered patrons only. For ages 0-4 years old.
Tuesday, September 30, 4:00 pm - After School Book Break - Ages 7-11 - Drop by the library and discuss the award-winning book, Frindle by Andrew Clements. There will also be a fun activity and a snack.
Tuesday, September 30, 7:00 pm - Pajama Storytime - Ages 2-7.
Thursday, October 2, 9:30 am - Adult Book Group - Join us for a discussion of Born Fighting by James Webb.
Thursday, October 2, 3:00 pm - Book Chat for Busy Parents - Join us for a discussion of Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. Children are welcome!
Thursday, October 2, 7:30 pm - Virginia Reader's Choice High School Book Club - Grades 9-12. Stop by for a lively discussion of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, along with a related snack. Click here to register.
Saturday, October 4, 11:00 am - Miss Laura Ratcliffe, Confederate Spy - Learn how Miss Ratcliffe saved the life of Col. John Mosby in 1863 and about the preservation of her home, Merrybrook.
Saturday, October 4, 2:00 pm - Teen Wii Day - Ages 12-18. Join us for games, pizza and more!! Click here to register.
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Teen Read Week -- Film Competition

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Introducing Self Pick-up of Holds
Here at the Lovettsville Library, we are starting a new system of holds called Self Pick-Up. Click on the video above to find out how to do it!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Events to register for...
Kids’ Book Club at Lovettsville: After School Book Break - Tuesday, Sept. 30th @ 4:00 pm. Explore one award-winning book each month with book discussions, games and refreshments. The selection for September is Frindle by Andrew Clements. Recommended for ages 7-11 / grades 3-5.
Virginia Readers’ Choice High School Book Club - Thursday, Oct. 2nd @ 7:30 pm. Join us for a discussion and activity of Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. Refreshments will be provided. Recommended for grades 9-12. A copy is available at the circulation desk.
Teen Wii Day @ the Library - Saturday, Oct. 4th @ 2:00 pm. Join us @ the library for an afternoon of the Nintendo Wii, including Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Party 8 and more. Refreshments will be provided. Recommended for ages 12-18.
What's happening @ the Library this week!!
Monday, September 22, 10:30 am - Terrific Two's Storytime, ages 2-3. Remember, no food please.
Monday, September 22, 11:30 am - Rhythm, Rhyme and Tune Time - for registered patrons only. For ages 0-4 years old.
Tuesday, September 23, 7:00 pm - Teen Volunteer Night - If you want to help us get ready for our craft programs, please stop by for some simple cutting and tracing. Can count hours for credit if need be.
Wednesday, September 24, 4:00 pm - Avast Ye Mateys! Pirate Storytime and Craft. Registration required. Click here to sign up. Ages 2-6.
Thursday, September 25, 7:00 pm @ Park View High School in Sterling - One Book, One Community Meet the Author - Avi. Click here for more information.
Friday, September 26, 5:00 pm until dark - Volunteers need to help set up for the Book Sale. Please stop by or call the library to sign up.
Saturday, September 27, 10:00 - 5:00 pm - Giant Book Sale at Lovettsville!! $5 per paper bag!! Volunteers needed to help tear down. See you there!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Library Closed for Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday honoring working people. It is observed as a legal holiday on the first Monday in September throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Labor organizations sponsor various celebrations, but for most people it is a day of rest and recreation. The holiday also has become a symbol of the end of summer. In Australia, Labor Day is called Eight Hour Day, and it commemorates the successful struggle for a shorter working day. In Europe, Labor Day is observed on May 1.
Two men have been credited with suggesting a holiday to honor working people in the United States—Matthew Maguire, a machinist from Paterson, New Jersey, and Peter J. McGuire, a New York City carpenter who helped found the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Both men played an important part in staging the first Labor Day parade in New York City in September 1882. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day a legal holiday. President Grover Cleveland signed a bill in 1894 making Labor Day a national holiday.
Enjoy your day off!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Changes in Storytime Schedule

As fall approaches, new programs will be offered here at Lovettsville, which will alter the time of one of our storytimes. Here is the new schedule:
Monday @ 10:30 a.m. Toddler Storytime (no change)
Monday @ 11:30 a.m. Music Storytime (45 min. long and requires registration)
Wednesday @ 10:30 a.m. Born to Read Storytime (no change)
Wednesday @ 11:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime (previously on Monday afternoons)
The 11:30 storytimes are perfect for those attending the Community Center school in the morning. And be sure to register early for the Music Storytime. Space is limited! Click here to register, starting August 25th!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
New Program for Teens!!! Teen Wii Day!!

Sign-up today for Teen Wii Day!! Join us at the library for an afternoon of the Nintendo Wii, including Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Party 8 and more. Refreshments will be provided.
Advance registration is required. Click here to sign-up.
Limited to 15
Friday, August 22, 2008
VRC High School Book Club

Sign up today for the new Virginia Readers'Choice High School Book Club! Our first book will be The Christopher Killer by Alane Ferguson, which is a forensic mystery similar to CSI.
Click here to request a copy of the book.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Get your game on in the library!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This week @ the Library!!
Here are the events for the last week of SRP:
Storytime @ 10:30 a.m. - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Storytime @ 1:30 p.m. - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Mysterious Reptiles with Reptiles Alive @ 7 p.m. - All ages. Tickets will be passed out 30 minutes prior to the program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 a.m. - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Scrapbooking Your Summer Memories @ 3 p.m. - Ages 12-18. Registration required. Click here to register.
Tiny Treasures Plaque @ 3 p.m. - Ages 12-18. Registration required. Click here to register.
Remember to visit the library and the treasure chest for your weekly treat!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Summer Reading Spirit!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This week @ the Library!
Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Storytime @ 1:30 pm - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Stories with a Twist by Barbara Lawson @ 7 pm - All ages. Tickets will be passed out 30 minutes prior to the program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Lego Robotics @ 6 p.m. Ages 12-18. Registration required. Click here to register.
Remember to visit the library and the treasure chest for your weekly treat!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New pics on Flickr!!
Murder Mystery @ the Library
Recommended for ages 12-18.
Thursday, July 24th, 2008 @ 6 p.m.
Click here to register.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
This week @ the Library!
Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Storytime @ 1:30 pm - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Jonathan Austin Magic & Juggling @ 7 pm - All ages. Tickets will be passed out 30 minutes prior to the program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Teen Mystery Night @ 6 pm - Ages 12-18. Advanced registration required. Click here to register.
Solving Mysteries like Nate the Great @ 2 pm. Ages 6-9. Advanced registration required. Click here to register.
Remember to visit the library and the treasure chest for your weekly treat!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dance Dance Revolution @ the Library
Recommended for ages 12-18.
Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 @ 3 p.m.
Click here to register.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This week @ the Library
Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Storytime @ 1:30 pm - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Rainbow Puppets @ 7 pm - All ages. Tickets will be passed out 30 minutes prior to the program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Get Your DANCE On! with Dance Dance Revolution @ 3 pm - Ages 12-18. Registration is required. Click here to register.
Little Wonders @ 11 am - Ages 4-6. Registration is required. Click here to register.
Movies @ the Library @ 2 p.m. Ages 12 and up. Batman Begins.
Remember to visit the library and the treasure chest for your weekly treat!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
This week @ the Library
Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Storytime @ 1:30 pm - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Mr. Brian & the Boppets @ 7 pm - All ages. Tickets will be handed out 30 minutes prior to the program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Comedy & Performance Workshop with Slash Coleman @ 2 pm - Ages 12-18. Registration is required. Click here to register.
Nature Discovery @ 11 am - Ages 2-3. Registration is required. Click here to register.
Don't forget to come in to the library and pick something from the treasure chest!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This week @ the Library!!
Toddler Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 2-3. No registration required.
Preschool Storytime @ 1:30 pm - Ages 3-5. No registration required.
Mysterious Animals with Animal Ambassadors @ 7 pm - All ages. Tickets will be passed out 30 minutes prior to program.
Born to Read Storytime @ 10:30 am - Ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Adult Book Club @ 9:30 am - this month is a book swap, so bring in your favorite book to discuss. No registration required.
Independance Day - Loudoun County Public Libraries will be closed.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Did you know...

Monday, June 23, 2008
Lovettsville Pet Parade
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sign-up for Summer Reading

Get a jump on the summer and sign-up now for the Summer Reading Program!!
Everything is online this year, from the registration process to the reading logs. From June 1st - 17th, you can sign-up in advance, establishing your user name and password. Starting June 18th, you can log books that you have read.
Click HERE to register today!!
Weekly prizes are still available to those who update their blogs every week. Only this year, you don't need to come in to do that.
Don't have a computer? Don't worry, just come down to the library and we will show you how to sign-up using this system.
Also, after the 18th, swing by the library for your goody bag. This is for everyone who registers.
If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to ask us. We want you to have a great summer reading experience!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
This week @ your library!!
Monday, June 2nd @ 10:30 a.m. - Storytime, ages 2-3. No registration required.
Monday, June 2nd @ 1:30 p.m. - Storytime, ages 4-5. No registration required.
Wednesday, June 4th @ 10:30 a.m. - Born to Read Storytime, ages 0-24 mos. No registration required.
Wednesday, June 4th @ 1:30 p.m. - Babygarten, ages 0-18 mos. Click here to register.
Thursday, June 5th @ 9:30 a.m. - Adult Book Discussion of In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien. No registration required.
Saturday, June 7th @ 11:00 a.m. - Lovettsville History Alive! Presented by Eugene Scheel. Ages 12 & up. No registration required.
Saturday, June 7th @ 2:00 p.m. - Teen Summer Reading Program Volunteer Orientation. Ages 12-18. Click here to register.
OPEN REGISTRATIONS - Click on links to register.
Father's Day Storytime & Craft, Wednesday, June 11th @ 3:00 p.m. Ages 2-6
Teen Summer Reading Program Volunteer Orientation, Thursday, June 12th @ 7:00 p.m. Ages 12-18.
Lovettsville Book Sale

Come out to the Lovettsville Community to support the Library Book Sale, sponsored by the Lovettsville Library and the Lovettsville Community Center Advisory Boards. Proceeds go to benefit these two fine organizations.
When: Saturday, May 31st, 10 am - 4 pm.
Where: Lovettsville Community Center
If you have any new or gently used books to donate, please bring them to the Lovettsville Community Center by May 30th. Call 540-822-5824 for more information.
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This week at Lovettsville...
Monday - 5/26 - Memorial Day - Library is closed. Enjoy!
Tuesday - 5/27 @ 7 p.m. - Pajama Storytime. Put your PJs on, bring your favorite stuffed animal, and come to storytime with Ms. Barbara. Recommended ages 2-7. No registration required.
Wednesday - 5/28 @ 10:30 a.m. - Born to Read Storytime. Birth to 24 months. No registration required.
Wednesday - 5/28 @ 10:30 a.m. - Babygarten. Birth to 18 months. Registration required.
Saturday - 5/31 @ 2 p.m. - Teen Movie. Pride & Prejudice starring Keira Knightley. No registration required.
Saturday - 5/31 @ the Lovettsville Community Center - Book Sale! Come out and support the library!
Hope to see you there!!
Happy Memorial Day!
Memorial Day is an American holiday to honor the men and women who died in war. Originally, it was held on May 30. Then in 1971, President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday. At that time, the date was changed to the last Monday in May.
Decoration Day History
When it first began, Memorial Day was called Decoration Day. After the Civil War ended in 1865, people wanted to remember the soldiers who had died. Many families went to cemeteries to decorate the soldiers' graves with flowers.
In 1865, Henry C. Welles, a druggist from Waterloo, New York, suggested the town set aside a day to honor the dead. Everyone agreed, so on May 5, 1866, all the businesses closed. Flags were raised only halfway to show respect for the dead. Houses were draped with black streamers. The villagers paraded to the cemetery to put wreaths, crosses, and flowers on the soldiers' graves and to listen to speeches. Waterloo continued this tradition every year after that. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo the birthplace of Memorial Day, although many other cities also claim they started the holiday.
On May 5, 1868, Civil War veteran John Logan, the head of a powerful political organization, announced that May 30 would be Decoration Day. A ceremony was held at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 people put flowers on the graves of more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers. Many other cities also held celebrations that day. Even Waterloo changed the date of its celebration to May 30.
By the late 1800s, towns all across the United States celebrated Decoration Day. After World War I, people used this day to honor everyone who had died in any American war. In 1967, the name was officially changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day.
Memorial Day Traditions
On Memorial Day many cities hold parades, and veterans march to cemeteries. Speeches, special services, prayers, and decorating graves with flags or flowers are also part of the day. At Arlington National Cemetery, each grave is decorated with a flag. All weekend long, soldiers patrol to be sure that these flags remain standing. The president or vice president of the United States gives a speech and places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
At army bases around the country, soldiers fire their rifles in a salute. Buglers play the song, "Taps." At sea, sailors throw flowers into the ocean to remember those who died.
For many people, Memorial Day is the beginning of summer activities. Most businesses close for the long holiday weekend. Friends and family gather for cookouts or picnics. Some people visit cemeteries or remember loved ones who have died.
Confederate Memorial Day
Because Memorial Day began as a Northern holiday, some Southern states have their own days to honor Confederate soldiers who died. Confederate Memorial Day is celebrated on June 3 in Louisiana and Tennessee, on May 10 in North Carolina and South Carolina, on the last Monday in May in Virginia, and during April in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. January 19 is Confederate Heroes Day in Texas.
Source Citation: "Memorial Day." Kids InfoBits Presents: Holidays of the World. Thomson Gale, 2007. Reproduced in Kids InfoBits. Detroit: Gale, 2008. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/KidsInfoBits