Hey Teens!
Don't miss the teen summer reading program volunteer orientation!
Would you like to volunteer at the library during the Summer Reading Program? Come to an orientation to get started! Please register for one session only. Training is required for all volunteers, so you can't volunteer without attending. Registration for Lovettsville begins May 24th for the session on Saturday, June 7, 2008 @ 2 p.m., and registration begins on May 29th for the session on Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 7 p.m. If you are closer to another library in Loudoun County, click HERE to see when the other orientations are happening. Must attend the orientation at the branch for which you want to volunteer. So spread the word to your friends and stop by. For ages 12-18.
After the meeting, if you want to share any ideas on what kinds of programs and activities at the library, your opinion would be greatly appreciated! We really want to make this a fun place to hang out. Refreshments will be provided.
Hope to see you there!!