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Welcome to the Lovettsville Library Children and Teens blog where you will find information
about what's happening at the library, storytime information, book suggestions, and more!
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Saturday, February 23, 2008 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bring your friends and celebrate with some very special programs and plenty of birthday cake!
11:00 a.m. - Hop To It! Frogs, Toads and Their
Relatives with Alonso Abugattas
Hop on over to learn all you ever wanted to know about frogs, toads and their relatives! Meet some... up-close and personal! Have real encounters of an amphibious kind! Recommended for ages 5 & up.
2:00 p.m. - Hot Jazz with The Woodshedders
Enjoy Acoustic Gypsy Jazz - a musical fusion of nostalgia and invention, blending the traditional and the avant-garde. A number of unique, original songs and compositions round out this quintet's repertoire of gypsy folk songs, waltzes and swing and olde tyme jazz standards.
For more information call (540) 822-5824 v/tty or check out our web page @ http://www.lcpl.lib.va.us/
Stop by the library and pick up your new program guide for March-April 2008! Here is a look at what is happening in Lovettsville for March:
LIVE! in Concert with Sparky & Rhonda - Saturday, March 1st, @ 2 p.m.
Movies @ the Library - Ghost in the Shell (Teens) - Saturday, March 8th @ 2 p.m.
Welcome Spring Storytime & Craft - Wednesday, March 19th @ 3 p.m.
Virginia Readers' Choice - Middle School Book Club - Thursday, March 20th @ 7:30 p.m.
Here is the link to our website so you can sign up for events and see what else is happening throughout the county: LCPL Website
Valentine's Day has come, and gone, and we had a great time at the special storytime! Here are some great books and rhymes you can use for next year, along with pictures from the event. Click on the book links to go to the LCPL catalog!
Toddler Books: